Bhagat Singh did bomb the British assembly in Delhi

Bhagat Singh did bomb the British assembly in Delhi. But there’s a lot more to Bhagat Singh beyond just the bombing.

He was an intellectual, thinking individual. Not just a raw nationalist.

– Bhagat Singh was able to think and write so profoundly about the complex social, philosophical, economic and political issues.

– He was a voracious reader, he read anything that helped him to unravel the complexities of life from both prose and poetry.

– His comrades reported in their memoirs that they never saw Bhagat Singh without a book in his hand and a few in his pockets.

–  In his own words: “Study was the cry that reverberated in the corridors of my mind. Study to enable yourself to face the arguments advanced by opposition. Study to arm yourself with arguments in favour of your cult.”

– Bhagat Singh established a small library in Agra, comprising 175 books by around 70 authors, most of them collected from his friends and supporters.

– In prison, Bhagat Singh and his comrades went on a long hunger strike raising several demands of the political prisoners. Two of those demands are relevant here:

1. All books, except those proscribed, with writing material, should be made available without restriction.

2. At least one daily paper should be supplied to each political prisoner.

– Bhagat Singh was almost certain that he would be executed, yet he wanted to read as much as he could.

– Recalling Bhagat Singh’s last moments before being hanged, his close associate Manmathnath Gupta writes:

“When called upon to mount the scaffold, Bhagat Singh was reading a book by Lenin or on Lenin.

He continued his reading and said, ‘Wait a while.A revolutionary is talking to another revolutionary’.

Bhagat Singh continued to read.

After a few moments, he flung the book towards the ceiling and said, ‘Let us go’.”

Thanks @Voice for Social Justice

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