A Struggle of a Brahmin boy!😞



The most celebrated Bollywood movie in the recent past..!

When they show Chambal & a small village.. I was expecting a dalit or obc boy’s story!

But the director is conveniently chosen a brahmin boy.

The boy’s family leads very average life in a average house.

They show his father & grandfather were govt servants which means they were supposed to be a well off family! but they describe that they are still poor!

Mean while…I was just thinking about the brahmin people’s life in Tamil Nadu who possess govt positions for 2 generations.

In fact the living standard of a brahmin family in Chambal is worse than a dalit/obc family in TamilNadu. That too when they possess no govt job even for 1 generation.

At the end of 90s almost all communities including most dalits were leading a quality life in Tamil Nadu.

Well.. Coming to the story..
The boy’s Father is shown as straight forward person.(.!) Loses his job for his honesty..& also for beating his senior officer with his chappals twice.

(Yes sharmaji ka chappals beats a senior officer! most probably a caste below him.)

Later junior sharma beats a bus conductor with his chappals.Hence it is a family habit for them.

Manoj Sharma visits Gwalior for his PSC training..meets a “Pandey..” Who helps him too..!

In between a hotel owner gives a free meal to him…!

I was wondering how!!!?

Later realized that he must have seen his sacred thread..

Manoj Sharma gets job of cleaning toilets..He does it happily..for a small salary which helps his living.

Well film gets some life here I would say..

But I was wondering when every damn person he meets extend their best support in his life till he clears his finals.

Of course a love in between, friendship,betrayal bla bla masala here & there.

Climax sentiments scene are done well..! Typical Vidhu Vinod formula like his 3 idiots,munnabhai etc.

This movie helps to understand how UPSC exams are conducted.Definetly it creates great awareness.

Hrithik Roshan’s #Super30 often comes in mind when watching this movie.

It also documents how these North Indian schools are conducting “Borad Exams”

I wish all Tamils must see this movie to understand what kind of quality life & education they are getting in Tamil Nadu.

They often show Abdul Kalam and mention that he studied in street light.Only Kalam knows the truth about this street light story.

Well during the final interview he quoted ambedkar but it had no relevance at all..

12th Fail .. They say its a true story..

Yes it is impressive success story..

At the same time.. Beyond the boy’s hard work..there were people for him to help.

But the help didnt come just like that.
It had come to him because he is a Sharma!

We call it “Social Capital!”

Just imagine..if he was a dalit boy..!!

The film would have been rejected at the budget level itself by It’s producers!


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