How India Destroyed SANATAN DHARM
Since 18th Century?

Destroying Sanatan Dharm

The right to property which were vested only with the kshatriyas, was abolished in the year 1795 and the right was given to everyone.

In 1835, the right to eduction that was stolen, snatched , grabbed & possessed by Brahmins was given to all by an ordinance passed in that year.

The gruesome yet a then common practice of killing girl children was abolished in the year 1804 by the enactment of female infanticide Act.

In 1813, bonded labor system was abolished.

In 1835, an GO was passed giving Sudhras the right to sit in the chair at the work place.

Manu dharma, the root cause of such regressive practices was abolished in the year 1868.

Let’s abolish Sanatanam and create an egalitarian society.

In Tamil: Comrade R. Badri

Translated by : Indhubala S

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